Wednesday, February 20, 2008

You're in my world, Nuts...

I want you to meet Nuts. Nuts is a fuzzy little squirrel my owners bought me last week. He's cute, he squeaks, his tail crinkles when you bite it; he's a great toy for a puppy like myself. Too bad his fate was decided the second some factory in China began stitching him together.

See, Brisbane doesn't play nicely. I like to massacre my stuffed toys with extreme prejudice. This little guy never knew when he was picked up from Pet Supply that he would live such a violent, oppressed life and be destined to arrive in pieces at the bottom of my toy bin, or as I like to call it: "The Graveyard." The Graveyard is filled with the remnants of chewy toys, toys I don't like and the pelts of my victims. Pay heed: The Graveyard is no place for the meek.

So, Nuts, enjoy the playtime while you can for you, too, shall become a pelt at the bottom of The Graveyard like Hedgehog #1 and Green Guy...

See that little nametag around my neck? You're in my world, squirrel...

Oh, ever will you escape the jaws of Brisbane?

You will beg for mercy...and I shall not grant it, squirrel...

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