Thursday, February 14, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

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Hello. My name is Royal's Gold Coast Surfer. You can call me Brisbane.

I am an orange and white English Pointer living in Huntington Beach, CA. I was born 8/23/07 and moved in with my dad and momma 11/6/07.

I am bred to be a conformation show dog; ya know: the ones that trot around the ring and look all sexy. My half-brother--a year and a half older than me--just won Best of Breed at the Westminster Kennel Club show last weekend, so I'm no scrub. I'm not bred as a field dog; hunting isn't my sole purpose in life. Those dogs are crazy. Not that I'm not a little bit crazy...but those dogs are crazy ya know what I'm saying?

As you can see, I'm nothing short of awesome. I mean, c'mon? Look at my face...I'm too sexy for this song. But seriously...I am pretty cool and my owners sure seem to think so, too.

I'll be posting everything about my life that's fit to blog. Trust me, there's no shortage of material. From what I eat to what I chew on. Tricks I learn, janky dogs that piss me off; it's all here. You'll enjoy coming back here so bookmark this blog.

Did you do it yet? No seriously, bookmark this blog; you'll love it.

So, until my next post, enjoy the day and I'll catch ya on the flip-side.


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