Thursday, May 29, 2008

I Drool

Click photo for my epic drool string...

So, it's not the best picture cuz Dad was using the camera in his phone, but check out that epic drool string hanging from my lip! I was sitting on the deck still as a statue watching that stupid crow that mocks me all day long and the longer I sat there the longer that drool got until I finally moved and it was about a foot long!

I rule...and, I drool...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Oh my God! Oh my God! I got a puppy pool for the summer! I'm just starting to love playing in the water at the beach but still don't really like the waves; they're big and...wet. Anyway...

I totally love splashing around in the water and now I can do that whenever I'd like! Mom came in with this big blue plastic thing and at first it sort of freaked me out. After a few minutes, I was hooked. Put it up on the sun deck, fill the thing with water and this pointer's pad just got pimped.

When it gets too hot for me I just go up on the deck and splash around a bit. Just because I can, I blow bubbles out my nose as I walk in circles around the pool. Looking for what? I don't know, but I'm sure there's something there worth checking out.

Life is good.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Car rides are the best

I heart car rides

I don't know why, but I can't get enough car rides. My dad takes me with him whenever he has to run quick errands like dropping videos off at Blockbuster or to pick up puppy stuff at the pet supply store and I wouldn't miss it for the world.

It got me thinking about why I love car rides so much. Is it the wind in my face at 30mph? The # of smells I can take in at that speed is amazing; it saves me the time and effort of walking which would have taken me 10-times longer to cover that kind of ground. My ears flap around, too, which is fun and sometimes too much air gets in and I sneeze uncontrollably...not fun.

You haven't lived until you've taken in smells at 35mph

Is it because I look so cool and people always smile and point at me? I'm sure that has something to do with it, too.

Is it because the back seat is a great place to kick it old skool? You bet! When I finally tire from standing or I'm just too beat from an intense play session and can't stand in the first place I'm all about curling up and making the back seat my own

Kickin' it, old skool

I think most of all I just like to be around mom and dad wherever they go. I'm not that annoying when I'm in the car and I stay in the back seat so I'm not much of a bother and they enjoy getting me out of the house; gotta love that! When dad's new wagon shows up from Germany I'll have to get used to being in the back cargo portion which doesn't have windows, but I'm sure my guile and charm will result in me getting to sit in the back seat with a window in no time. Suckers...

Until next time, I rule.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Guess who's back?

Brisbane's back!!

My owners took a 2 week trip to Europe and I was incarcerated for the entire stint. When being dragged into the boarding area of the veterinarian's office I shouted, "What crime am I being charged with? I've committed no crime!!" just like Edmond Dantes in Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo. OK, I actually ran excitedly in with all the other dogs and my 2 week lockup in the joint was really just like puppy summer camp; you might say I had fun. But, I'm glad to be back home with mom and dad and kicking it on super cushy puppy beds strategically placed throughout the house and getting regular walks and trips to the beach and all the lovin' I can handle. Life is good!

But in any event, I'm back in front of a computer and blogging again; feels good. Not too much happening around here, just getting back into the swing of things. The other day I was sitting on the steps watching my dad talking on the phone and I had a drool string about a foot long hanging from my lower lip, so that's pretty cool. Oh and I'm starting to wade into the ocean when we go to the beach, which is super fun though I'm still not sure about those waves.

Tons of fun stuff to blog about, so I'll just leave you with a couple photos for now. Until next time...I rule!!