Friday, March 21, 2008

Apparantley, other dogs blog

My homeboy Tyler sent my Dad this article on CNN about dogs blogging.

Why am I not in this article? As the premier Pointer blogger out on the Internets, I feel snubbed to not be included on this list. Everyone should write to CNN and demand that I get the recognition I deserve as the king of dog blogs. Anderson Cooper could show up here and play chase with me; trying to get my squirrel, but failing (of course). Or maybe Larry King might want to take me for a walk down to the Pier...strike that...I'll walk Larry King down to the Pier, cuz that old dude can't hang with a young buck like myself.

Busy blogging, for YOU!

Whatever. CNN must have some firewall that prevents them from accessing Facebook, Myspace and all the cool dog blogs out there. It's your Internet policy CNN, not mine...might want to search a bit harder next time you do a dog blogging piece.

Your loss, CNN...

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